Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Priyanka Chopra And Gerard Butler-with Pictures?

Yesterday we reported than Piggy Chops had thrown a party for Butler, who is in India on holiday. A guest at the party said Butler is “besotted” with the Indian beauty and repeatedly asked her to marry him, until police broke up the bash for being too noisy.“He was completely smitten with Priyanka,” the source said. “He kept proposing to her every half an hour, getting down on his knee. Every time, she burst out laughing.”The child stars of Slumdog Millionaire were given a day out at a five star hotel in India
today (May 3) courtesy of Gerard Butler .Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Mohammed and the rest of the kids first met Mr. Butler at the Oscars in February 2009. He is said to have fallen for their innocence and charm, but it was another Indian actor, 26-year-old Chopra, who really caught the Scottish actor’s eye.
Take that Aishwarya ! Who needs the Bachchan when you get a BUTLER and a ticket to the Hollywood First Wives CLub !!

source: fun345.com

Christina Applegate Named People Magazine’s Most Beautiful!!!

Every year People Magazine releases its “Most Beautiful” issue. Pages and pages of beautiful people. It’s enough to make you avoid mirrors … um… forever.But I was really pleased to see that this year’s most beautiful (of all the beautiful people) is Christina Applegate of Samantha Who? (and Married with Children) fame.In March 2008, Christina Applegate was diagnosed with breast cancer and opted to undergo a double mastectomy in July. She was spotted a few weeks later on red carpets across Hollywood — months before she had reconstructive breast surgery in November.Applegate has since founded Right Action for Women — a foundation that helps women pay for the expensive MRI testing that she feels saved her own life.Christina Applegate told People Magazine: “Sometimes you feel lucky because you’ve been given this chance to change your life.”I counted 30 moms on the list, including Salma Hayek, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Morales, Heidi Klum, Sheryl Crow and Brooke Shields. A list of all the Moms named is on the jump.

source: fun345.com

Growing Long Hair Tips

Nutrition and SupplementsAvoid crash diets. They stress the body and the effects appear in all the body’s systems. Remember that hair is nothing more than a-keratin protein (90% with the remaining 10% being water.) A low protein diet can cause the hair to thin and will certainly slow its growth.
If you are in a phase of actively trying to grow out your hair, you may want to supplement your protein intake with liver. Some nutritional experts also recommend brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, and granulated lecithin to help your body process the protein. Visit your local health food store and ask to speak to a counselor who will help you make good choices about diet and the use of supplements. When you are trying to grow hair, vitamins help.
In fact, thanks to the poor quality of the modern diet, everyone can benefit from a daily multi-vitamin, mineral supplement. The B and E vitamins are good for your hair as are zinc, sulfur, and magnesium. Also make sure your multi-vitamin includes biotin. To get more B vitamins from your diet, eat beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, soybeans, bran, nuts, and eggs. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil contain the E vitamins.
Avoid foods that are greasy and fatty. They will disrupt your digestive system and potentially make your scalp and hair more oily. Minimize your intake of salt as it will raise your blood pressure and affect blood circulation in your scalp. (Male pattern baldness has been linked to high blood pressure.) Avoid pre-processed foods that are full of chemical additives and fast foods. A well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that is also high in protein is your best ally in your quest to grow long, beautiful hair.BrushingThe physical stresses on your hair are also an important consideration. Only use brushes with natural boar bristles and choose wide-toothed combs. Both are good at distributing the natural oils in your skin from the scalp down to the ends of your hair.
Throughout the day use your comb to prevent tangles in your hair. If tangles do occur, work at them in small sections starting at the end of the hair and working your way up. Never back comb or tease your hair. Always work in downward, even strokes. If a tiny knot simply will not work out, it is best to cut it out.
Before you shampoo, comb or brush your hair to remove loose hairs and to straighten out tangles. If your hair has a tendency to be dry, the old tried and true daily brushing with one hundred strokes will help as it is a technique to distribute oils from your scalp down the length of your hair.Split EndsWith long hair, damage travels up from the ends. Trim your hair often. If you have reached the desired length and are in a maintenance stage, take off half an inch a month. If you are still growing your hair out, remove half an inch every three or four months.
In between those major trims, sit in a bright light and examine your hair for split ends. (When a split end develops, the hair literally unravels and will look frizzy.) Use just the tips of sharp scissors to remove the damaged end of the individual hair. Hair with this kind of damage breaks easily and much more length will be lost in that fashion than in simply monitoring and snipping your split ends.Stresses to the HairThe natural tossing and turning of sleep will create damaging friction against your hair if you sleep with it down. Use a satin pillow case and put your hair in a loose braid or in a soft sleep cap.
Heated appliances like blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons, and crimpers are strictly forbidden. No steaming hot showers and no vigorous rubbing of your hair with a towel. All of these things place major stress and friction on your hair. The heated items will dry out your hair and make it more brittle and in some instance place physical stress on the hair shafts by altering their shape. The same is true of overly hot water while shampooing and of the friction caused by vigorous rubbing with a towel.
Consideration should also be given as to the wisdom of using hair fasteners. Never use rubber bands because they tear at the hair when removed and damage the outer cuticle layer which makes the hair more susceptible to tangling. Anything with rough or sharp edges and hinges in which the hair can become caught is a bad idea as are items with Velcro and springs. Soft scrunchies and chopstick-like “hair sticks” are much better choices.
Avoid tight braids and pony tails. When you pull your hair to achieve these styles you are placing stress at the roots that are already bearing the weight of your long hair. Anything you do that causes hair to fall out or to be pulled out should be stopped immediately and not repeated. Check out more expert tips to grow long hair in the next part of this article.

source: fun345.com

Natural Tips for a Healthy Life!!

Today’s world is full of stress and workload. The life has become very materialistic. People have lost their natural self in quest of more wealth. Earning money has become the only goal of modern man’s life. It’s said that today’s people are more civilized then early age people. But no body thinks that early people were happy with the little whatever they had. They were healthy and happy.Today’s people are unhealthy and unhappy. Is there any way to regain the lost touch with one’s natural self? Yes, and the answer lies in the age old method of yoga and its practices. Yoga helps in attaining a harmony between mind, body and soul. Making yoga part of your life can help you in getting total freedom from stress and depression. It will daily provide you a never ending source of energy to face your problems. You will discover a truly new part of yourself through yoga.Yoga is thousand of years old therapy. It is not just a path to reach supreme divine one but a mean to rediscover you. Practicing meditation daily for an hour helps to keep oneself calm. You can see a glow and aura on the face of the people who daily practice yoga asanas. Yoga teaches to self-control. It helps to understand people their limits. It helps them to be happy with what they have rather than to be unhappy for what they don’t have.Yoga takes you away from ignorance towards the path of wisdom, from wrong to right, from weakness to strength, from disharmony to harmony, from loath to love and from need to satisfaction. Yoga will infuse in you rays of unending positive hopes for life. It will increase your interest and concentration in your work. You will perform better in comparatively less time. You will be able to transfer your happiness to people around you. Yoga will make your personality strong and captivating. There will be only positive energy and happiness around you. Yoga has so many miraculous abilities and you can only understand them when you will truly follow the principles of yoga.

source: fun345.com

Monday, May 4, 2009

Babies Sleep

By Raising Children Network

A comforting bedtime routine may lead to a better night’s sleep for your baby and for you.

If you like your information 'in a nutshell', download our Babies book which includes this and other essentials on infants aged 3-12 months.Go to Make a Book

By the time your baby is three months old, he will tend to sleep more at night and stay awake longer during the day. But it is amazing just how different babies can be. Some will sleep for hours on end. Others hardly seem to sleep at all. There’s no such thing as normal when it comes to sleeping babies.
Average sleep pattern for babies
All guides to babies’ sleep patterns are just that – a guide. You know your baby best. If he is awake and happy, he has had enough sleep. If he is awake and unhappy, he may need more sleep. If your baby is having trouble falling asleep, try the patting settling technique or read more about solving sleep problems.
Day sleeps
Night sleeps
3-6 months
2 or 3 sleeps of up to 2 hours each
May still wake at least once during the night
7-12 months
2-3 hours total, usually taken as a morning sleep and an afternoon sleep
Between 6 pm and 10 pm until 5 am or laterDropping off to sleep is one thing most babies can cleverly do for themselves. To learn more about the basics of baby sleep, you may want to first read Newborn Sleep, which includes ways to help your baby put himself to sleep.
Moving baby to a cotIf your baby has been sleeping with you for the first three months, you may want to move him to his own cot. With a little luck, this will go without a hitch and your baby will doze off happily when you put him into his cot. If, however, your baby is having trouble adjusting to bedtime without you, read Toward independent sleep.

Bedtime routine
By the time baby is six months old, he will appreciate the soothing ‘sameness’ of a bedtime routine. Babies love routine and it won’t take long for him to understand what is expected. A typical bedtime routine might look like this:
bath time
short playtime
last feed of the day (breast or formula)
nappy change
quiet time with you in his bedroom (reading a book or telling a story)
into the cot while singing a lullaby such as Rock-a-Bye Baby
say goodnight
lights out or night-light on (whatever he is used to)
At six months, there is no need for a feed during the night. Some parents find that a feed around 10 pm (called a rollover feed), just before they go to bed themselves, helps baby sleep longer through the night. You know your baby better than anyone, so you decide.
Night waking
All babies wake during the night as part of their normal sleep cycle. Problems start when they can’t get back to sleep without your help. Every night, many parents suffer the sudden jolt awake as they tune in to their little night owl’s cries. Once a baby knows how to fall back to sleep by themselves, everybody in the house can enjoy nights of relatively unbroken rest.
To help your baby figure out how to put herself to sleep, it is best to put her to bed while she is sleepy but still awake. If she can learn to go to sleep without your involvement, she is more likely to drop off again by herself if she wakes during the night. This means putting her into her bed before she falls asleep on your lap or on the bottle.
Nearly 50% of babies under 15 months wake at night. If regular night waking is becoming a problem for you, try using the tips in the guide to solving sleep problems.
Sleep tips
You can help your baby to associate darkness with sleep by minimising activity, noise and light when you are feeding or changing her nappy during the night.
A milk bottle in bed is not a good sleep aid as it can cause illness if milk goes down the wrong tube. As babies get older and develop teeth, it can also cause severe tooth decay if milk pools in her mouth while she sleeps.
The 'tummy clock' is powerful enough to wake a baby with hunger pangs. So, starting at three months, if your baby wakes up hungry at 2am or 3am, you can give her a bottle of sterile water. This may give her enough associations to get her back to sleep and turn off her tummy's alarm clock after a couple of nights.

source: raisingchildren.net

Babies Safety

By Raising Children Network

Look out, baby’s about. As babies become more mobile, keeping your home safe becomes a fulltime job for a while.

If you like your information 'in a nutshell', download our Babies book which includes this and other essentials on infants aged 3-12 months.Go to Make a Book

Small babies can be surprisingly quick, especially after five months old. She is not ready to learn about the dangers yet, so you will need to keep her out of harm’s way.
Eventually, you will be able to tell your baby which things are off limits and help her learn a safe way around. Teaching your child to go down stairs backwards, over and over again, will help her protect herself. You could also start using a word like ‘ouch’ whenever she has a minor mishap so she can start to learn what it means. Then you can use that same word to warn her of things that might cause the same sensation such as a hot oven or a sharp edge.
In the meantime, to make your home safe for your baby, you can try to prepare in advance. Some new parents even ‘borrow’ a friend’s baby for an hour to test run which areas of their home need ‘baby proofing’.
But before you spend up big on the latest safety ‘whatsit’ or gadgets, remember that SUPERVISION IS THE ONLY RELIABLE PREVENTION AGAINST ACCIDENTS.
Around the house
Never shake a baby. Even playfully throwing a baby in the air can injure her fragile spinal column and brain. There are telltale signs of shaken baby syndrome, no matter how it occurs.
Baby walkers are dangerous and are known to cause accidents. They do not help a baby learn how to walk or balance. Any entertainment value a baby gets from a walker is outweighed by the high possibility of injury.
Babies love to pull themselves up and climb so make sure your furniture and heavy objects are stable, especially TVs, bookcases, entertainment units and cabinets. If furniture is wobbly, remove it from the house or fix it to the wall.
Curtain tie-backs and window blind cords can strangle a curious little Tarzan. Remove them or hook them well out of reach.
Babies love to grab tablecloths and pull themselves up. When you make a well deserved cuppa, keep it out of reach and off the table.
Install a safety gate at the top and bottom of stairs and make sure they are always securely closed.
Keep medicines, cleaning fluids and other poisons locked away in high cupboards well out of the reach of inquisitive little hands.
Prevent scalds by turning down your hot water system to 50° C.
Be prepared for emergencies by keeping a list of numbers by your phone. Keep a well stocked first aid kit and consider doing a first aid course which covers techniques such as CPR.
It's normal for babies to put things in their mouths – be it food, toys or Mum's favourite earrings – so regularly scan the house for small objects that may be choking hazards. Older children may enjoy a daily hunt to help look for small toy parts or other potentially dangerous objects lying around. Things to look out for include:
pen lids
small bits of construction toys
hardened pieces of food on the floor
anything smaller than a D-size battery
And make sure you know what to do if baby is choking.
In the bedroom
Nappy changes: When changing baby, be sure to keep one hand on her all the time so she doesn’t fall. And never leave her unattended on a change table – she can squirm or wriggle off in seconds.
Sleep safety: Keep pillows, fluffy toys, cot bumpers and other soft things out of her cot to prevent SIDS and suffocation.
In the kitchen
A dangling toaster cord is tempting to pull so keep appliance cords from hanging over the edge of the bench.
When cooking, turn saucepan handles inwards and use the back stove elements (rather than the front ones) when possible. Do not hold your baby while you’re cooking.
Keep washing up liquid, insect sprays and other chemicals locked away and up high.
In the bathroom
Never leave your baby alone in the bath, even for a second. It takes no time for a baby to drown and it is both quick and silent. Make sure you have everything you need when you start. If you need to leave the bathroom to get something, take her with you.
Heat bath water to between 37°C and 38°C and be VERY careful when adding hot water to warm up the bath – baby can very easily reach out or slip into the stream of burning water.
It’s also wise to lock up medicines and keep soaps up high, out of baby’s reach.
In the car and outside
Always buckle up baby in the proper car restraints appropriate to her age and size. Never travel with her on your knee.
Don’t be tempted to leave her in the car while you pop into the shop – it is against the law. Babies overheat very quickly in cars so always take her with you.
When outdoors, remember the sunscreen and a hat. Babies burn very easily so keep them shaded or covered. At six months, you can start using baby sunscreen (those containing zinc or titanium dioxide protect better than simple chemical sunscreens). Take the opportunity at this early age to make a habit of wearing a hat for all outside play.

source: raisingchildren.net

Babies Play & Learning

By Raising Children Network

Playing is one of the best things you and your baby can do together. It’s how he develops a sense of himself and his place in the world.

If you like your information 'in a nutshell', download our Babies book which includes this and other essentials on infants aged 3-12 months.Go to Make a Book

Baby games
Make noise together. Gently bang pots and pans, sing a noisy song (see Baby Karaoke for some ideas), make animal sounds (‘the cow goes ‘moooooo’).
Start reading. Babies use books to chew on, play with in the bath, discover new textures and, sometimes, even look at. By reading together often, your baby will soon realise that books are a lovely way to spend special time together.
Explore safely. Create safe places in your home where you baby can explore his world and work on his latest skills of sitting up, crawling, pulling up, opening cupboards, picking things up, throwing them and putting them in his mouth, and, eventually, walking.
Play simple games. Games like pat-a-cake, peekaboo and ‘this little piggy went to market’ are a real laugh for a giggling baby. They can also do a lot to help his learning and movement skills. Tickle his tummy and show him how to blow raspberries. Splash around together in a shallow bath on a warm day. Fill a small juice bottle with buttons to make a rattle. The list is as long as your imagination.
Bits and pieces. You can develop your baby’s imagination slowly by giving him odds and ends to play with. Try a box of coloured bits of cloth and some empty egg cartons.
Television is not recommended for babies under two. If the TV must be on, try to limit his viewing time to short stints (10 minutes a day) of educational, baby-friendly programs such as Play School.
When does play start?
Play starts from birth. As your child grows and develops, play changes from you playing with your baby, to the baby gradually learning how to play with objects and – eventually – other children.
How baby learns
Everything is new to your baby – things we take for granted are a first time novelty for a them. Let them discover and get bored at their own pace. You can introduce toys slowly, one at a time, after he has tried to squeeze every use out of the one he is already playing with. This helps him develop his learning and attention skills.
Your baby has just picked up a rattle in his tiny hand. He moves his arm. The rattle jerks and makes an intriguing sound. Your baby moves his hand again. The rattle makes the sound. He moves his hand with great purpose. The rattle shakes noisily. Your baby has just made an exciting connection. He has discovered that when he shakes a rattle, he can produce a noise. He has learned that he can make something happen. He has control over some small part of his world.
Babies are even learning things automatically, like:
how to fall asleep at a certain time of day (this is based on their internal body clock)
how to get what they need (and, later, want)
how to eat food
how to breathe through their mouth when their noses are blocked by a cold.
Exploring is one of the ways your baby learns. It’s your job to make his frontier safe. That means the word ‘no’ can be kept to a minimum when your baby is poking around, because you have made it safe for him.

source: raisingchildren.ne

Baby nutrition: in a nutshell

By Raising Children Network

Breastmilk or formula offers all the nutrition a baby needs until she is six months. By about that age, she’s ready for her first spoonful of solids.

If you like your information 'in a nutshell', download our Babies book which includes this and other essentials on infants aged 3-12 months.Go to Make a Book

Feeding up to 6 months
Introducing solids
Food and milk schedule after 6 months
Fussy eaters
Foods to avoid
Feeding up to 6 months
Breastfeeding is great for your baby. According to health experts, breastmilk is all your baby needs until she is six months old, so it is worth making every effort to breastfeed. Most problems can be overcome with information and support. However, for some mothers, issues such as mastitis make it difficult to continue breastfeeding. If you can't breastfeed, feeding your baby formula from a bottle is the next best thing. Cow’s milk, goat’s milk and soy milk are not suitable for children under 12 months – these products don't have all the nutritional elements a baby needs to grow and thrive.
Going back to work doesn’t mean that you have to stop breastfeeding. You can express and refrigerate or freeze your milk, or you can partially wean. If you do continue feeding, slowly introduce your baby to a bottle or cup before you start back.
For more information about breastfeeding, bottle-feeding and nutrition (yours and your baby’s), see the sections Newborns Nutrition and Babies Nutrition.
Introducing solids
You can start slowly introducing her to solids at around six months. It's wise to introduce foods one at a time (this can help identify food allergies or intolerances) starting with a little bit of very milky baby cereal (mixed with breastmilk or formula).
Here's a quick guide to what foods you can introduce and when:
Six months: Baby is ready to try a world of different tastes and flavours. Along with baby cereal, available from the supermarket, you could also offer cooked pureed fruit (apple, pear) or vegetables (potato, pumpkin, carrot). See our homemade baby foods guide for how to make your own.
Seven months: You can try introducing some lumpier food and broaden the variety offered.
Eight months: Time for a bit more coarsely mashed food, like minced meat, chicken, rice. You can also introduce finger foods such as soft fruit, soft-cooked vegies and toast, and also grated cheese (pasteurised) and yoghurt.
12 months: At this age, your baby is ready to eat a little of what the rest of the family is eating – as long as you cut foods into small pieces.
All babies are different and this time frame is just a guide. If a food gets knocked back one week, try it again next week. Babies can be offered a new food many times before deciding to try it. There's no point trying to force a child to eat anything. Avoiding fussing or worrying is the best way to establish good habits and avoid later problems.
When babies are between 9-12 months you can put healthy leftovers in a blender and reduce to a textured pulp. Spoon into ice cube trays or small plastic containers and freeze for quick meals later in the week.
Food and milk schedule after 6 months
Once baby is eating well, you can start a meal schedule. Your schedule may look like this:
Time of day
Early morning
Breastfeed or bottle
Mid morning
Breakfast and breastfeed or bottle
Early afternoon
Lunch and breastfeed or bottle
Early evening
Dinner and breastfeed or bottle
Late evening
Breastfeed or bottle (if needed)This means 4-5 milk feeds a day. You can reduce this to three milk feeds as your baby starts to eat more solid food (between 6-9 months). Of course, your baby’s own milk intake may vary from this.
Fussy eaters
A fussy eater can cause all sorts of angst for worried parents. Fighting over food with babies can lead to eating problems later. As a parent, you are responsible for offering a variety of healthy food; your baby decides how much of it to eat.
Foods to avoid
Salt, sugar or caffeine. Babies' systems can’t handle foods high in salt or sugar, or foods with caffeine (found in cola drinks and chocolate).
Juice is expensive and high in sugar. It’s better for babies to get their nutrition straight from fruit. If baby is thirsty, plain tap water is best – it's fortified with fluoride which helps build enamel on her developing teeth.
Honey and unpasteurised dairy products may contain dangerous bacteria and are unsuitable for babies under one year.
Cow’s milk, goat’s milk and soy milk are not suitable for children under 12 months – babies need the nutrients from breastmilk or formula.
Biscuits and sweets. If you can avoid the temptation to give your child biscuits and lollies (at least until she is two) and you may be rewarded with fewer mealtime bat

source: raisingchildren.net

Babies Health & Daily Care

Signs of serious illness
Illness can quickly turn worse in babies. Call your doctor if you see any of the following signs in your baby. If your child shows more than one of these signs, seek urgent medical attention.
Drowsiness (your baby is less alert than usual)
Decreased movement or lethargy (she is less active and just wants to lie around)
Breathing difficulty
Poor circulation (she looks paler than usual or even blue, maybe cold hands and feet)
Poor feeding
Poor urine output (less than four wet nappies in 24 hours)
Seek urgent medical attention if your baby:
vomits green fluid
has a convulsion (a fit). Try not to panic. Gently place your baby on her side, allowing her to move freely
stops breathing for more than 15 seconds
has a lump in the groin area (a hernia)
has a rash on her legs
has a high fever (a temperature of more than 38° C).
Common health problems
Babies are prone to a variety of health issues such as colds and sniffles, diarrhoea, constipation, asthma and ear infections. Some conditions require no treatment while others may need prescription medications. See your doctor for advice and look up the A-Z Health Reference for information about other common conditions.
Daily health
1. Keep up immunisationsImmunisation protects us against bacteria and viral nasties, such as measles and diphtheria, that once killed thousands of people. Immunisation is considered essential protection for your baby. Babies can be immunised by a GP or at a baby health centre at:
four months
six months
12 months
The Maternity Immunisation Allowance is only payable once you have followed the immunisation recommendations.
2. Protect against germs Up to six months old, a close encounter with germs can mean a trip to the hospital for your baby if she gets sick and develops a fever. You can try to limit her exposure to germs by washing your hands before touching her, especially if you’ve been out shopping, handling raw food or changing her nappy. If someone around her has a cold or flu, you may want to ask them to stay out of range until they are better.
3. Don’t give unprescribed medicationsNormal household medicine can be deadly to a baby. That’s why it is important not to give any medication to your baby unless it is prescribed for her by your doctor. Some herbal remedies can also be dangerous, so it’s best to check with a doctor to be safe.
4. Keep her air clean‘Secondhand smoke’ can cause serious health risks to non-smokers. If someone in your house smokes, they can protect your baby by always smoking outside. Avoid using chemical household sprays, like insect repellent or cleaning products, when your baby is in the room.
5. Protect her earsYour baby’s ears are delicate, so protect her from loud sounds very close to her ears. An excited older child yelling in her ear, a barking dog or blasting music can all do damage.
6. Prevent tooth decayThe best way to care for your baby’s new teeth is to watch what she eats and drinks. When she starts on solids and drinks other than breastmilk, avoid giving her fruit juice and sweets, which can promote tooth decay. When offering her a drink of water, use tap water – the fluoride added to it helps build up tooth enamel (even in her permanent teeth that are developing under the surface) so it is a very important part of preventing expensive dental repair later.

source: raisingchildren.net

Baby development: in a nutshell

By Raising Children Network

All babies develop in the same order but at completely different rates. So while one seven-month-old is crawling around and chattering madly, another may be playing silently on his playmat.

If you like your information 'in a nutshell', download our Babies book which includes this and other essentials on infants aged 3-12 months.Go to Make a Book

Your baby’s development happens in fits and starts. He loves to keep you guessing about what he will do next. He may crawl for months and then suddenly decide to walk. Some weeks, you may witness amazing changes and then it stops, and sometimes he even goes backwards a bit. This is quite normal and nothing to worry about. His development process soon kick-starts again.
How your baby is growing
Your baby's everyday life affects how his brain develops. Lots of love, attention and interesting experiences do wonders for his brain growth, learning and development.
Two to six months: Baby's eyesight is really improving. He begins to connect what he sees with what he hears, tastes and feels. By watching how you react to his emotions and by seeing you express your feelings, he’s starting to recognise when he feels happy, sad, excited or fearful.
Six to nine months: He is developing ideas about who he is and working out the difference between parents, caregivers, strangers, adults and children. He has positive and negative emotions and knows how to express them. He can let you know when he wants help. By nine months, a growth spurt in his brain means he can make associations between what he sees, hears, tastes and feels.
Nine to 12 months: His ability to experience different emotions and moods has developed a lot. As the front of his brain develops, he is better able to entertain and reassure himself with familiar objects and people. He is able to move away from things that upset or annoy him.
What your baby may be doing
All babies develop at a different rate. Your baby may reach some of the milestones later. Don’t worry, they nearly always catch up. You know your baby best. If you are worried about his development, get professional advice.
By four months, he can:
lift head up 90 degrees when lying on his stomach
laugh out loud
follow an object in an arc about 15 cm above the face for 180 degrees (from one side to the other)
By six months, he can:
keep head level with body when pulled to sitting
say ‘ah goo’ or similar vowel consonant combinations
By nine months, he can:
work to get to a toy out of reach
look for dropped object
By 12 months, he can:
walk holding on to furniture
Find more detailed month-by-month information on what your baby may be doing.

source: raisingchildren.net

Baby connecting and communicating: in a nutshell

Getting to know each other has moved to an exciting new level. Your baby can now see better and understand more about ‘her’ people. She has emotions and is not afraid to show them.
Whether you're singing a song or talking about what you are doing as you empty the rubbish, your communication is helping baby learn and develop. Talking to her teaches her about language and the more talk, the better.
By nine months, your baby's memory improves and she is getting attached to people and objects. To help her understand how things disappear and reappear, you can give her lots of physical attention and verbal reminders of where you are as you move around a room. A fun game of ‘peekaboo’ can also do the trick.
How to ‘talk’ to your baby
Babyhood is a time for plenty of face-pulling (you and baby), conversations that nobody understands (but everyone loves), loving gazes and the power of the smile. Babies spend their days looking at people’s faces and listening to them talk.
‘Hellooo sweeetie baaabeee’Researchers call the special way we talk to babies ‘parentese’. And babies love it. Researchers have found that infants prefer the sing-song tone of parentese to plain adult tones. This animated, lilting speech, with exaggerated facial expressions, may help infants learn the sounds of language.
Making eye contactYour baby loves watching how your face reacts to something she has done. Researchers say it helps her understand the world and form relationships. When your baby deliberately catches your eye, you can look right look back into her eyes. And keep maintaining that eye contact until she looks away. When she makes noises, you can encourage her. Smiling, nodding and encouraging her abilities (‘What did you say?’, ‘Aren’t you talking well!’) all help your baby to keep communicating.
Talk, baby, talkAs your baby moves closer to 12 months, she may start to babble. When she begins to make lovely little sounds (‘ba ba ba’, ‘da da da’), you may want to try repeating them back to her. Try not to interrupt until she’s finished with her ‘sentence’. Also, repeating what you say to her ( ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘You’re hungry, aren’t you?’ ‘Ohhh, I’m hungry!’) can teach your baby what words mean.

source: /raisingchildren.net

Babies Behaviour

Common concerns
Can you spoil your baby?
Pinching, biting and hair pulling
Breath holding
Fear of strangers
When you feel you might hurt your child
Fear of the bath
Eating: the battle of wills
Feeding development: the path to independence
Understanding behaviour
Temperament: what is it?
Making sense of the world
View film clips
Crying baby checklist
See also
Reading baby body language

source: raisingchildren.ne

Baby Skin Care

Baby skin care product
Babies obviously have sensitive skin; so make sure you are using products that are gentle and specially formulated for them. It is common for little bumps to appear, but if they don't go away make sure you show your pediatrician.
Baby diaper
Diaper rash can be very sore and painful. Change your baby's diaper often, and wash his or her skin with warm water. After patting dry, apply a thick ointment or zinc oxide as a protective barrier.
Baby skin rashIf your baby suffers from diaper rash, consult your doctor and try leaving them 'naked', the open air will help to keep the skin dry and help cure the rash.

Baby soap
No need for soap! Don't wash your baby's bottom with soap more than twice a week. Soap can irritate your baby's sensitive skin and may lead to a diaper rash. Cleanser free soapWarm water really is enough some of the time and soap free cleansers can also be used.

Sunburn kid
Preventing sunburn in children is very important. Just one severe sunburn in childhood can double the likelihood of skin cancer in adulthood. To use sunscreenYour children should make sunscreen a part of their morning routine. Studies have shown that regular use of sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher during childhood and adolescence can decrease the risk of certain types of skin cancers by 78%.
source: basicsofbeauty.com

Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips

Natural Homemade Beauty Care Herbal Scrub GelMix strawberry seed powder, with few drops of lemon juice and orange peel with aloe Vera. This is a good scrub gel.
Natural Home- Made Beauty Care Sunscreen Make a paste of a pinch of turmeric, one teaspoon of red sandalwood powder and gram flour powder. Use this paste as a soap will bathing. This will reduce tanning as well as add glow to skin.
Natural Home Made Remedy for Bad BreathThere are some home remedies that may help. You'll find the solution in your kitchen.1) Take one teaspoon each of coriander. Cumin seeds, cardamom powder, and rock salt. Boil this mixture in water (one liter) till it reduces. Cool and use this to gargle at least three times a' day. 2) Chewing fennel seeds would also help to prevent bad breath.

Natural Home Made Beauty Care AstringentMix lemon and vinegar in equal quantity. Pour it in the bottle. Clean your face with it twice a day.

Natural Home Made Beauty Care Tips for Puffy Eyes1) Dip a cotton in salt water and keep this cotton on your eyes for 20 minutes. 2) Put rose water drops in your eyes everyday. 3) Do the eye exercise with the help of pencil.
Natural Home Made Beauty Care Tips for Neck cleansingGrind gram flour, barley, small grained pulse minutely. Mix it with milk, to make its paste. Scrub with this pack on neck and face while bathing. You will find a good texture with in few days.
Natural Home Made Beauty Care Tips for Dull SkinDull skin may be because of hereditary factors. The drier the skin is, the darker and duller it looks and more prone it is to itching and wrinkles.1) Make a paste of walnut shell powder, lemon and moisturizing papaya. Apply it on the whole body. After 10 minutes rub it like a scrubber. This will remove the dead skin of the face and body and your skin will glow. Lemon is rich in Vitamin E and therefore beneficial to the skin.2) The regular intake of pure aloe Vera juice (1/2 cup) in the morning on an empty stomach will help you a lot. 3) Take supplements of vitamin A and C which will help in reducing the goose- pimply appearance of the skin. 4) Apply oil before a bath and a Vaseline based body lotion after. 5) Apply rosewater. Rose water stimulates the skin, increasing the flow of blood to the skin and making you look radiant. 6) Skin may also look dull if it is oily. Just a good wash takes off the oil any you will feel fresh.Vitamin C will brighten the skin.7) If you smoke, than leave it. Smoking starves your skin of oxygen, so essential nutrients and vitamin's can't get to the surface, which is why it looks so dull. Try taking a multivitamin supplement. 8) Go in for collagen boosting facial once a month. 9) Use a moisturizer that contains powerful anti oxidants.10) Mix rose and lavender essential oils. It will protect and revitalize stressed out skin.11) Peel off the apple. Mix two spoon sour milk cream in it. Apply this paste on your face properly. Wash the face after 20 minutes with lukewarm water.12) Yoghurt is one of the poplar fermented dairy product. It is considered best for digestive system. Milk and yoghurt has calcium which is necessary for health. It provides coolness during hot weather and loo. It cleans the skin and removes the bad effect of sunlight. Some special types of bacteria present in yoghurt makes the skin soft and silky.13) Turmeric is the best body scrub. It makes the skin soft, beautiful and glowing.14) By eating the sprouts of neem, blood is purified. It removes the poisonous elements of lever and skin.15) Mash the soft lemon leaves mix a pinch of turmeric in it. Apply it on face. When dried wash face it will make the skin soft and bring glow on face.16) Mash khadipata / mix lime juice, glycerin and milk in it. Apply it on face. Wash after 20 minutes it will bring grow on face.17) Eat cucumber everyday in the morning. It will bring glow on the face. 18) Mix gram flour, turmeric and yoghurt. Make its paste, apply it on the face and neck.19) Mix edible oil and sea salt. Make its paste and rub it on the whole body. Now bath. It will make the skin attractive, soft and beautiful. 20) Mix sugar powder in edible oil. It will make the skin beautiful. 21) Mix white mustard, madder, turmeric, ghee, red ochre in equal quantity. Make its paste with goat milk. Apply it on the face. It will increase the beauty of skin. 22) Eat 5 gram roasted fenugreek powder with one cup boiled milk, thrice a day. It will increase the beauty of the skin. 23) Roast small grained pulse in ghee. Dip it in milk for 2 hours. Now grind it. Make its paste. Apply this paste on face. 24) Massage your face with ice cubes made from tomato juice. It provides coolness to the skin. Tightens the skin and brings glow on face. Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Dull hairOiliness of the scalp, makes the hair limp and lifeless. Take supplements of Vitamin A, one of two capsules a day of 25,000 1U for two months. This dries the oil, shrinks the pores, benefits the eyes and stops hair fall. Eat well and make sure that your diet is high in protein. Also get plenty of anti oxidants in your diet in the form of fresh, green foods.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Open pores1) Apply rose water, it controls and balances the sebum production, making it useful for both dry and oily skin. It can balance and restore the skin's acidic balance and help tighten pores.2) Give steam to face. Than mix 8-10 drops of lime juice in multani mitti and apply it on face.3) Apply yoghurt on face. 4) Citrus fruits or tomato is best for people who have open pores. Apply them on face.5) Mix tomato pulp, multani mitti, sandal powder and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on face. 6) Cucumber is the best medicine for the open pores. Mix rose water, cucumber juice and lemon juice. It is the best natural homemade remedy from open pores. 7) Apply the sheel of tomato on face for 10-15 minutes. It will close the open pores.8) Mix tomato and lemon juice. Apply it on face. It will close the open pores.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for AcneThe anti bacterial properties of rose water help fight acne. The use of rose water is recommended by natural healers for treating all sorts of skin related problems.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Dark Circles Treatment1) Try out the dark circle treatment simultaneously by adding almond oil to the paste you made for the face. Add 1/2 tsp of cucumber juice to it. Dip a cotton wool in the mixture and place it one each eye, covering the lower area. Lie down for five minutes. Wash your face with cold water.2) Apply rose water near the eyes. Its gentleness, cooling nature and astringent properties make rose water great for nurturing the sensitive skin surrounding the eyes. Take care to dilute it properly before using, because under eye area is very delicate. 3) To lighten the dark circles use a cream called Glyco-6 or one that contains natural skin lightening agents. Take supplements of folic acid, antioxidants and plenty of vitamin C.4) Apply mint leaves after mashing it, around the eyes.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Dark SkinFor lightening the darker areas of the body, use a mixture of 10% azaelic acid mixed with a mixture of Kojic acid and Vitamin C.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Soft Skin:Mix tomato juice, lemon juice and glycerin in equal quantity. Apply it on hands. It will make the hands soft.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Dry Skin:1) Spray cool rose water on your face at night to moisture your skin and revitalize your spirits.2) Mix the extracts of apricot and peach. Apply it on face for few minutes. Rub it on the face like a scrubber. This is a good scrubber. Apricot exfoliates the skin and peach extract is good for skin conditioning. This paste is rich in alpha and beta hydroxyl acids and vitamins.3) Cucumber mixed with oats and almonds kept in the fridge can be applied to give a cooling effect. 4) Banana pack is good for dry skin. Mix one spoon milk powder, one spoon multani mitti and sandal powder in raw milk. Apply it on face. Wash your face after some time. It will provide moisture to the skin.5) Almond pack is best for dry skin. Dip few almonds in water for some time. Mash them. Mix raw milk and sandal powder in it. Apply it on face. 6) Mix two spoon fresh cream, almond oil and rose water. Apply it on face for 1/2 an hour.7) Take two spoon gram flour, one spoon raw milk and one spoon rose water. Make its paste. Apply it on the face.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Normal Skin:1) Mix sandal powder, multani mitti and calamine powder in cucumber juice. Make its paste and apply it on face. 2) Dip almond in milk for the whole night. Mix orange juice in it. Apply it on face for 20-25 minutes. 3) Mix one small spoon rose water, and one small spoon sandal powder in two table spoon yoghurt. Apply it on the face for 30 minutes. Wash your face. Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Cracked lipsAngular stomatitis: If the corners of the lips develop severe cracks that when try to smile than this is the symptom of angular stomatitis. It is due to a deficiency of Vitamin B. Take supplements of Vitamin B complex, vitamin C and anti oxidants. Eat food rich in B-complex such as nuts, pulses, cereals, milk and milk products. Use a deep moisturizing Vaseline based cream and apply it on the cracked surface twice a day. Eat a balanced diet and a Vaseline lip guard on dry lips.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care TonerYou can use rose water or curd water as a toner. For a home- made remedy, you can boil 50 gm of 'neem' leaves and 50 gm of 'amla' leaves in two liters of water. Reduce this solution to half a liter. Let it cool and then store in the refrigerator. You can apply this mixture before going to bad every night.Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Healthy and lustrous hairIf you want healthy and lustrous hair, it is advisable to use oil every day. This maintain strength and lustre. It is also quite nourishing to apply a small amount of oil to your hair after shower.Natural Homemade Tips for Tooth whiteningThe texture of teeth and gums vary from person to person. I would suggest using mustard to reduce yellowness of teeth.Grind the bark of neem with clove. Use it as a paste. It protects the tooth from cavity and makes the gums strong. It keeps the breathing fresh.Natural Homemade Beauty Care Face Cleanser1) Deep cleanse your face to give it a fair chance to breathe. Use a lipid, or soap- free cleanser to remove the grime that clogs the pores, yet helps retain the skin's natural radiance.2) Mix one spoon cucumber juice, one spoon milk and 1/4 spoon lemon juice. Apply it on face for 15 minutes. It open all the closed pores of the skin, which is necessary for the cleansing of the face. Natural Homemade Beauty Care Face Pigmentation Pack: 1) Shoo away the tan. mix 2 tsp oatmeal powder, 2 tsp almond powder and 2 tsp orange juice. Apply it to the face and leave on. After 10 minutes wash your face.2) Mix papaya pulp, sandal powder and multani mitti. Apply it on face. It will remove the pigmentation from face.3) Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice and turmeric. Apply it on face and neck. 4) Mix cucumber juice, milk and rose water. Apply it on face and neck. Natural Homemade Remedy for Foot FetishHeal the heel. Soak feet in a tub of water to which lemon juice, two drops tea tree oil and two drops neem oil have been added. Massage the area with 2 tsp spoon coconut oil and 1 tsp turmeric. This also helps soothe and heal your cracked heels.Natural Homemade Remedy for Yellow Stain on Nails1) Get rid of the yellow stains on your nails. These usually occur due to overuse of nail varnish, especially darker colors. Remove varnish and rub lime on nails. Dim in warm water to which two drops each of lavender and tea tree oil are added. Now sock both hand in warm soapy water. Rub hand with a homemade scrub or any other scrub products to exfoliate skin, follow up with a massage with olive oil and cocoa butter cream. Push cuticles back gently with a towel or cuticles pusher 'stick' and shape the nails.2) Apply iodine on nails with the help of cotton. It will make the nails strong. Hair flairMassage your hair with the cushion of your fingers at the pressure points, from the nape of the head to the back to the ear. Move upwards from the back of the cranium to the temple. Press your fingers in for 30 seconds and continue passing your fingers through your hair for another 30 seconds. This increases the blood circulation and releases the tension. Untangle your hair with the wide toothed comb. Place a few Velcro rollers at the top of your head and around the face, than mist with hair spray. This is very easy to do and really gives you the biggest bang for your time. Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Rheumatism:Treat your feet to warm rose water bath. They will thank you for it. After all roses have been known to cure rheumatism.
Hormonal problemsMake an aroma therapy massage oil with rose essence. Studies show that this is particularly beneficial for women with hormonal problems.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Color ContrastIt happens more among fair skin people. If the skin of the face is fair but the base of the neck is dark. This usually happens if the person is obese. Use scrubs of a paste like milk cream, lime juice and sugar and scrub the dark areas twice a week. You can also bleach the dark parts once a month. If the person is suffering from color contrast than ask him to lose weight, if he is obese. At night use creams containing natural lightening agents like vitamin C and Kojic acid or those containing glycolic acid.
Waxing GraysWhen you remove hair from the hands and legs by waxing or with an epilator, you find that hair does not grow out of the skin but grows inside the skin. This gives the skin a grayish black tinge and it seems like having black spots all over the body.Make a scrub with wheat bran, gram powder and a pinch of turmeric. Mix it with fresh cream and use on your body. This will help to reduce the further growth of hair on your body and also reduce the grayish black tinge.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips to Thicken Eye lashesApply a smear of almond or olive oil on eye lashes to thicken them.
Expressive eyes'Trataka Kriya' and moving of your eye balls left, right, up down and in a circular way will certainly improve the condition of your eyes. But please consult a yoga teacher before you try the 'kriya'.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Stretch Marks1) Mix apricot, walnut and jojoba. Make its paste with the help of fresh cream. This is a good scrub. It boost the skin's natural ability to exfoliate. The jojoba is a thoughtful addition, because it not only moisturizes the skin but has also been known to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.2) Mix walnut shell powder, healing calendula and aloe Vera. Make a paste. This is a ayurvedic formulation. It will remove the marks on the skin.3) If you are thinking to have a child than apply the paste of milk and turmeric or turmeric and yoghurt on stomach and back before bathing. Keep it for 15 minutes. Wash it with clean water. If you want you can use this mixture after bathing also. It will make the skin soft and flexible. There will be no stretch marks after the birth of baby.
Natural Homemade Exfoliating Facial Scrub1) Mix apricot with fresh cream. It will deep clean your skin and leave it silky and smooth.2) Make a powder of the bark of sandal wood, arjun, neem, orange peel, walnut, almond powder. Mix them with rose water. Apply it for few minutes. After getting dry rub it like a scrubber. It will provide the coarse texture necessary for exfoliation.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Bushy EyebrowsYou will be surprised what paying a little attention to your eyebrows will do for your eyes. If your are looking unruly, here are our tips on how to keep them in check:1) Brush the brows upward with a toothbrush or brow comb.2) Follow your natural brow line, only plucking from under the brow. Remember too little is better than too much. 3) Brush remaining hair into place and set with Vaseline. You may need a little eye shadow to define the brows.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Pimple1) The morning spot: If you feel a spot erupting before bedtime, dab on a little tea tree oil. This will help to draw out the impurities and reduce the inflammation.2) Eat the new bud of neem. Apply it on the pimples. It will bring glow on the face and Remove the pimple. 3) Make a paste of 20 leaves of tulsi, neem and peppermint and one tablespoon curd. Apply it on pimples wash face after 15 minutes.4) Antiseptic pack is good for pimples. Fort this peppermint is best. Mix one spoon multani mitti, one spoon sandal powder, rose water and peppermint juice. Apply it on face.5) Mix multani litti, peppermint juice and tomato pulp. Apply this pack on face. It will remove pimples and scars of pimples from the face.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Oily Skin:1) Make a pack with grated cucumber and multani mitti and apply on the face. Leave this pack on the face for 15 minutes and wash off gently.2) If the skin is oily and you have the problem of open pores during adolescence age than mix rose water in grinded granules of rice. Apply this on face. After getting it dry, sprinkle water on face, to make the pack wet again. Massage in a circular movement on face with water. Now wash the face.3) Mix multanni mitti in dry shells of orange powder. Put sandal powder also in it. Make its paste with the help of cucumber juice. Apply it on the skin. Let it dry for few minutes. Wash your face.4) Mix multani mitti and kaolin powder in rose water. Apply it on face. 5) Mix 4 spoon cucumber juice, 2 spoon peppermint, 2 spoon lemon juice, 1/2 spoon rose water, 3 spoon sandal powder and one spoon raw milk. Make its paste. Apply it on the whole face for 30 minutes.6) Take 3 table spoon neem leaves, 2 small spoon peppermint juice and 1/2 spoon rose water. Make its paste. Apply it on the face for 15 minutes. 7) Take two spoon barley, one spoon tomato juice and one spoon rose water. Make its paste. Apply it on the face for 15 minutes.8) Take two spoon gram flour, one spoon yoghurt, one spoon lemon juice. Make its paste and apply it on the face. Rub it with hands to remove the paste. It will remove the dead skin and cells. Now wash your face.9) Dip 4-5 almonds in water for few hours. Now grind it with lemon juice. Apply it on the face for 30minutes. Wash your face with water.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips1) Yoghurt Bath:- It is done in some Indian families. Before bath massage from yoghurt is done on the whole body of child. It brings good sleep, makes the skin attractive and soft.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Chicken PoxMix rose water in dry shells of orange powder. Apply it on face. It will remove the scars of chicken pox.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy for Wrinkles1) First, check out if you are really ageing prematurely or not. Stand in front of the mirror and bend your arm over your head, so your hand touches the opposite ear and your inner arm is next to your cheek. Now compare the color and texture of the skin on your inner arm with your face. The greater the difference the more damaged the skin is( you inner arm won't have nearly as much exposure to the sun as the skin of your face). Irregular splotches on the cheekbone and jaw are the signs of premature ageing due to sun exposure. We will get lines when we make facial expressions, but if you see any wrinkles when you are not making expression, it is a sign that you are ageing too fast. It is not too late to take care of your skin. You can prevent it from getting worse. Always cleanse and moisturize, make sure your moisturizer has SPF, and keep out of the sun.2) At the age of 35 wrinkles are formed near the eyes, that is why regular exercise of eyes should be done. Keep your head straight and rotate your eyes in clockwise and anti clockwise direction.3) Give relax to your eyes by keeping your palms on your eyes.4) Before sleeping at night, massage your eyes with almond or olive oil in clockwise and anti clockwise direction. Wipe off the extra oil.5) If eyes are swollen than apply the cucumber juice on eyes.6) Cut orange shells in minute pieces. Dip them in water for 24 hours. Wash the face with this water. It will remove the wrinkles and spots from the face. 7) Mix lemon juice and castor oil. Apply it on face. Wash the face with water after 45 minutes. If castor oil is not available you can use olive oil also. 8) Take any one kind of pulse. Mash it in a mixer. Mix a little olive oil or almond oil in it. Mix half spoon multani mitti and rose water in it. Make its paste and apply it on face. 9) Mix lemon juice and fresh cream. Apply it on wrinkle area. 10) Mix wheat flour in fresh cream. Apply this paste on face. 11) Dry the shells of orange. Make its powder after getting dry. Mix multani mitti or gram flour in it. Dip them in water for 10-15 minutes. Apply it on face after some time. Wash the face after 1/2 hour with water. 12) Mash banana. Mix baby milk powder and rose water in it. Apply it on face for 20 minutes. Now wash your face. This pack can be used once in a week.
Natural Home Made Deodorant*1/2 cup baking soda, cornstarch and few drops of aromatic oil. Mix them.*Clean the armpit with hazel or white vinegar.*Apple Cider Vinegar removes the bad smell of underarms. It reduces the PH of skin. The places where the level of PH is less, there bacteria's are not formed.*Mix few drops of essential oil like rosemary in little water. Apply it where needed.*Wear rose oil as perfume and you will feel calm and unruffled the entire day.*After a long day, light up a candle infused with the fragrance of roses or add a few drops to a diffuser of a relaxing feminine aroma.*Sprinkle a few drops of rose oil on your pillow and you will enjoy a night of restful sleep.*Spray cool rose water on your face at night to moisturize your skin and revitalize your spirits.
Natural Homemade Remedy for Blemishes and scars1) Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes.2) Take two spoon barley powder, 1/4 spoon dry peppermint powder, 1/4 spoon peppermint leaves. Mix them with hot water. Make its paste. Apply it on face. Wash with lukewarm water. 3) Apply the juice of peppermint leaves, tulsi and fenugreek on face. Keep it for 5-6 hours. 4) Massage the area with the pimple spot with olive oil. It will remove the scar.
Natural Homemade Medicine for Diarrhea According to German Health Authorities the treatment for diarrhea is turmeric tea.
Natural Homemade Body ScrubIncreasing pollution, dirt, dry air and many problems related to it makes the skin dull and dry. Thus proper care is necessary to make the skin healthy. Dead cells are removed by scrubbing. It removes the dirt of face and face becomes fresh. Cleansing is also necessary for the skin. According to the skin specialist soap which has high level of pH, should not be used in scrubbing. Minute and crushed particles of almond and barley should be there. One thing that should be understood while doing scrubbing is that it should not be done rapidly. Scrubbing done with pressure has bad effects on skin.Scrubbing can be done with these products at home*Take crushed gram flour, powder milk and rose water. Make a paste. Rub it on the whole body before bathing. Wash after 20 minutes with water. Skin becomes soft through this paste.*To remove the wrinkles from face, make the paste of pulses (grinded), curd and pinch of turmeric and rub on the face. It removes the wrinkles from face.
Natural Homemade Dandruff Remedy1)Yoghurt is use to clean the hair. It also removes the dandruff from hair.2) Mix multani mitti and yoghurt. Keep it for 2 hours. Now apply this pack in hair. It will remove the dandruff.
Natural Homemade Medicine for Osteoporosis1) Makes the bones strong: Boil a piece of turmeric in 1/2 glass milk. As the color of milk changes to yellow take off from the gas flame. Make the milk lukewarm. This mixture relaxes from many physical problems. Especially the women should drink this milk everyday. It makes the bones strong and protects from the problem of osteoporosis.2) Osteoarthritis can be treated by rose hip treatment.
Natural Home Made Beauty Care Tip to Remove Harmful CholesterolSoya bean is a cream colored bean about the size of common pea. Mostly Soya beans are yellow, but rare varieties of black, brown and green color is also found.Soya bean has been the taste of vegetarians since a long time, it has been proved by the research that Soya bean helps to reduce the harmful cholesterol in our body. Most of the non vegetarians among us will not like to include Soya beans in our daily diet. It contains 43% protein which is higher than any other protein rich food found in fish and meat which has only 20% of protein. The proteins of Soya bean yields all essential amino acids except methionine and cystine.Few months before scientist of Kentucky University made a research on Soya bean. They came to the conclusion that Soy bean, if eaten four weeks regularly instead of meat, than 9% of harmful cholesterol in our body can be reduced. If Soya bean is eaten everyday than 20% risk of heart disease is reduced.In Italy, effect of protein found in Soya bean was tested on 1000 patients. It was found that by eating Soya bean these patients reduced 20-22% of there cholesterol. Researchers say that, patients who have 240 cholesterol in there body can take help from Soya bean to reduce the cholesterol without taking medicines. But if patients have more than 240 cholesterol than they should take medicines supplement to Soya bean.Soya bean contains 19.5% fats, 21% carbohydrates and provides 432kcal per 100 gram.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Tanning, lighten skin tone, lighter complexion:1) Mix one tea spoon milk powder, one tea spoon lemon juice and 1/2 tea spoon almond oil. Apply on the face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps to bring shine on the skin and also removes the tan.2) Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and than wash it off with cold water. It helps to remove the tan and lightens the skin.3) Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is a natural bleach.4) Soak 4 Almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.5) A tea big spoon of gram flour mixed with 2 tea spoon of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening the dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week.6) Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water, continue for 15 days.7) Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days, for best results.8) There are black spots on skin because of pigmentation. Turmeric has the power to improve the complexion and skin tone. Grind the cucumber excrete its juice and take some lemon juice and mix some turmeric powder in it. Apply it on face for 15 minutes. It will improve the complexion gradually.9) In case of skin diseases apply the neem oil and bath with neem water.10) Mix barley in water. Make its paste and apply on face. Wash after some time. 11) Mix lemon juice, yoghurt, multani mitti and gram flour. Apply this pate on face and neck. Wash your face after some time. 12) Apply orange pack on face. Mix orange juice, multani mitti and kaolin powder. Apply it on face.13) Mix two spoon milk in one spoon salt. Apply it on face. 14) Mix milk, yoghurt and chiraunji in equal quantity. Apply it on face for 20 minutes. 15) Mix gram flour, milk, turmeric and lemon juice. Apply it on face. 16) Mash cucumber and bottle gourd in equal quantity. Mix it with yoghurt or milk. Mix it and apply it on face. Wash it with water.
Natural Home made Beauty Care Tips for SunburnRose hip oil is a pressed seed oil and is high in essential fatty acids such as Omega3. It has a dramatic effect on hair, body and skin. It also help in sun burn.
Natural Homemade Medicine For Injury1) Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of a ginger family. It is also known as kunyit or haldi in some Asian countries. It is obtained from dried, grounded, underground stem rhizome Drink the turmeric milk when injured. It will heal the injury soon. Eat a spoon of turmeric powder and drink milk. It is a best antiseptic.2) Fresh rose petals help in the healing of festering wounds and burns, they can also alleviate allergic itching. Gently place a cloth saturated with cooled rose water on the inflamed area for the immediate relief.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Gray Hair1) Green bark of apricot 10 gram, white alum 2 gram and cotton seed oil (250gram) take them and mix them. Now boil them together when the water is burned than litter the oil in a container. Apply this oil in hair. It will make the hair black, dense and shiny.2) Apply maha bhringraj oil, or sesame oil or coconut oil at night before sleeping. Massage it in hair with light hands. It will protect the hair from graying.3) Take fresh amla juice 500 gm and coconut oil (500gm). Mix them and heat them together when only the oil remains as a residue than filter it in a bottle. Apply this oil juice in a week and give steam to hair.Natural Homemade Hair Pack1) Mix curd. tomato, lemon and multani mitti make a hair pack. Apply it in hair for 20 minutes. Wash hair it will provide nutrition to hair. Hair will become dense and prevent premature graying.2) Chew few pieces of myrobalan after the lunch and dinner.3) Massage the sole of foot with ghee before sleeping do it regularly.4) Boil ammel in water. When the amla is warm. Mash it and take oil the seed from it. Mix sugar, cumin, black pepper and salt in it. Eat it with food. It provides nutrition to hair.5) Don't change the soap and oil again and again. It can damage the hair.6) Pour 2 spoon amla juice in 1 glass of water drink it. It will remove.7) During the cold season, make the paste of neem and apply it in hair. Keep the hair for one hour. It removes the dandruff from hair and stops the falling of hair.8) It keeps the nail and hair healthy. It has antiseptics.Natural Homemade CleanserBoil neem leaves. Keep it at home in a refrigerator. It is a best cleanser for oily skin. It will bring glow on face.Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips for Dull HairMix juice of fenugreek leaves, amla juice and coconut oil. Apply it in hair. It will provide nutrition to hair. Hair will shine.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy from Black Heads1) Clean your face twice or thrice with the skin toner.2) Take husks of wheat. Mix dry shells of orange and multani mitti in rose water. Apply this paste on face. After getting dry, rub it on face with little water. It will remove the black heads and clean the face.
Natural Homemade Remedy for Cracked HeelsMix glycerin, rose water and lemon juice in equal quantity. Apply it on legs. Wear sox and sleep at night.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Tips to Remove White Heads1) Mix cucumber and lemon juice. Apply it on face.2) Apply multani mitti face pack on face.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy from Prickly HeatMash neem leaves. Mix them with multani mitti. Make a past with water. Apply it on the areas having prickly heat. It is a good remedy.
Natural Homemade Beauty Care Remedy from Stench and sweat in legsIf there is stench and a lot of sweat in legs than apply the paste of multani mitti and rose water in legs. You will find relief.
source: .basicsofbeauty.com


WAXING: It removes unwanted hair of body. Which makes the skin clean & glow. But its regular use may cause infection also.

To keep our self fresh all of us like to bath & for this we do scrub also. But excess of bathing like bathing three times a day will make our skin dry because regular bathing with scrub will remove the necessary oil from the body.

source: basicsofbeauty.com


MILK: According to skin specialists full cream milk creates acne. That is why milk which is taken should be low fat that is double toned.TEA: It safeguards from cancer but harmful for the teeth's.

source: basicsofbeauty.com

Drinking Water

Water not only excretes the poisonous materials but also hydrates the skin. During summers body needs extra water. That is why a female should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water in a day. But it does not mean that you should drink water only. Liquid products are useful for your body. Milk shake, fresh fruits juice & coconut water makes you feel fresh & they provides you vitamins & iron in sufficient quantity. Which makes you healthy & beautifu

source: basicsofbeauty.com

Anti Wrinkle:

If sunscreen is applied from the beginning only to safeguard from the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun than untimely wrinkles will not be visible. Don't forget to apply the sunscreen before going out of the house. Harmful ultra violet rays of the sun burns the skin which stops the melanin & skin becomes black gradually. If you want to keep your skin young than use good sunscreen. Use umbrella or sunglasses before going out. Because area near the eyes are sensitive & soft which creates wrinkles near the eyes.

source: basicsofbeauty.com


Regular exercise increases the blood circulation of body. It tightens the skin & the skin looks young. It also excretes the poisonous materials of body. Regular exercise not only removes the fats & calories but also improves the beauty. Exercise is necessary for the skin also.

source: basicsofbeauty.com


Sufficient sleep at night makes you feel fresh in the morning. Good sleep helps in regenerating the skin. Fast life of today makes the people restless & they have no time for proper sleep. But if you want to feel fresh & active the next day than 6-7 hours sleep is necessary. But it will be helpful only when you sleep & awake at the same time only. Irregularity has no gain. Insufficient sleeps creates under eye dark circles also. Sleep makes your skin rest.
source: basicsofbeauty.com

Remove acne

According to skin specialists eating lots of chocolate makes the skin dull & lifeless. It also creates patches on skin. Biscuits, ice creams, cold drinks increases the ratio of insulin & oil in the body which increases oil secretion of skin which results in acne. That is why avoid eating sweets & oily products, spicy food & cold drinks.

SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com

Food Diet

Dry fruits, vegetables & fruits is useful for health & beauty. It keeps the skin young for long period. Oil from dry fruits & vegetables safeguards the cell membrane, which makes the skin healthy, wrinkle free & hair shiny.

SOURCE: .basicsofbeauty.com


Use of cosmetics gives you natural beauty but if your health is good than there is a natural glow on your face.
Diet fat lowA woman who works normally should eat 1200 to 2000 calories. If she eats more than this than that food is changed into fats.
ProteinsProteins develops the tissues of body , saves the system and repairs the damaged tissues. It constructs the enzymes and enzymes protects the physical activities against injection and manages the antibodies.

FatFats, builds the sex hormones of woman, makes the skin soft and oily and protects the life giving organs. This is a source of energy.
CarbohydratesCarbohydrates gives the primary energy to body.
GlucoseFood eaten changes into glucose first than only the body uses the glucose as energy.

DietingDieting is effective only when you do not drink caffeine, coffee, tea or soft drink, because caffeine increases the production of insulin which burns the sugar mixed in blood circulation. When the level of blood sugar falls than the hunger increases.
Drinking waterSufficient water is as much necessary as sufficient nutritious food. We can live without food for more time, but not without water. Thirst is the symptom that our body is deficient of water. Drink lots of water.
Blood cell increase redTo increase the Red Blood Cells in blood eating is beneficial, because it comprise of iron. It is true that spinach has vitamins and minerals but it is difficult to digest its iron thus iron deficiency will not be completed by eating spinach only.
Benefit of regular exerciseRegular exercise changes the fats of body in energy through metabolic activities. But among few people this activity is very less even if they are athletic. This means metabolic activities depends on person to person, that is why sometimes exercise does not show such miracles which we expect.
Regular exerciseTo reduce about 400 gram weight, hard exercise of six hours is necessary. So that calories received from food eaten earlier and physical fats in the form of 3500 calories.
Toning exerciseExercise is not a very effective method of reducing the weight but it is good for lungs, blood circulation and heart. It makes the muscles strong and flexible, which is called as toning. Because of this toning our body appears flexible.
Food calorieIt is said that during winters, we should eat more, because our body needs more energy to regulate the body temperature. But you should eat more only when you go outside to work. But if you sit at home only in blanket than eating more will increase your weight only.
SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com

Mud Bath

NaturopathySince ancient period sand has been very effective in naturopathy, in removing the illness. It removes the inner obstacle of body & activates the blood.Mud therapyMud therapy opens the pores of skin & increases the blood circulation, till the upper layer of skin. It cures the inner obstacle & pain of body. It removes the toxic materials of body. In naturopathy illness like indigestion, skin disease, pain in knees, eye problem, head pain, chronic pain & metabolic disorder is removed through sand. In natural therapy treatment is done by applying:- * Stripe of mud on eyes.* Stripe of mud on stomach.* Stripe of mud on the spine bone.
HERBAL MUD BATH:* 2-3 foot pit is dogged near river or lake, & black oily sand is taken out. It is crushed & filtered. Than it is dried in sunlight. Before using it, soak it for 12 hours in water.
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TO PREPARE THE HERBAL MUD:Black sand, yellow ochre powder, orange shell powder, white sand powder, rose leaves powder & turmeric is mixed.Pour the herbal mud in clean container, mix cold water in it. Make a paste by shaking it with wooden spoon in such a manner so that it can be easily applied on the whole body.After soaking it in water for 12 hours, apply it on the whole body & sit in sun for 15- 60 minutes, according to the need.When the paste is dried, remove it with cold water by massaging. This way mud massage will also be done.

SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com

Beauty Make Up Tip

Most teenage girls begin wearing light make-up around the ages of 12-13 as they become more aware of their appearance. As a teen, your make-up should look natural and enhance your facial features. Don't overdo it, this will only make you look silly. With a few simple, inexpensive products, you can play up your finest features -- and look great!
Natural Make Up Keep your make-up light for school. You don't need to use make-up on every facial feature you have! Mix and match to find out what looks best on you.
Teen Make UpFor parties, you may want to add a little more make-up to enhance your features. Make sure you blend it in well with your fingers or a cosmetics brush and check it in bright light when you're finished.
Foundation for teens is not necessary. While it can clog your pores, it will also look overdone.
Skip the foundation and use a concealer on your blemishes only. Lightly dust on some loose powder over your entire face to even out your skin tone, control oil, and set the concealer.
Don't try to hide your freckle. You may not appreciate them, but they are part of you. Exposure to sunlight makes freckles darker so avoiding the sun and using a sunscreen will keep them in check. As you get older, they can fade -- and then they won't be an issue.

SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com


Eye shadow does not have to match your eyes, however earth tones (tan, brown, gray) are very complimentary to blue, brown and hazel eyes.
When you begin using mascara, brown works best for both blondes and brunettes. Black is probably too harsh, especially in the daytime. If you think brown isn't dark enough, try brownish-black.
Waterproof mascara may be necessary for sports and outdoor activities in warm weather. It stays on longer and doesn't run -- but it's harder to take off. It's best to keep make-up to a minimum and you won't have to worry about undesired smearing.
SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com

Make your Hair Beautiful

Love your hair like you going to lose it. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care will make your hair healthy, shiny and also beautiful. Beautiful hair is an asset for any woman. Some are gifted with naturally beautiful hair while others have to really work hard on it. But essentially everybody has to work on hair either for improving or for maintaining them.Hair has been called as "crowning glory." That's because hair is covering our head like a crown which can influence our appearance. Sure, your appearance will be good if you can make your "crowning glory" looks good, shinny and healthy. That's why you need to do your hair care diligently. Don't wait until you have damage hair to make your move.
Hair growthHair lossDandruff Grey hair ShampooHow to manage your hair in the monsoon Hair vitaminAir dryingAthletic hair styleCoarse hairDry hairFlat hairSedu flat hair ironHair frizzBrushHair coloringHair conditionersHair extensionsHair styleOily hairOver processed hairSmooth hairMassage scalpShort hair cutsNatural hair care Athletic hair styleHair damageEnd split Dealing with a bad haircutCurly hair

Hair Styles For Round Faces
Short Hair Styles

SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com


Lip Care
Your lips are one of the most sensitive areas of your body. Therefore you need to protect them all year round.
Burning lipJust like you need sun protection for your face & body, you need sunscreen for your lips too. As lips do not tan but they burn. This is especially necessary if you use gloss, as lip glosses attract sun rays. So invest in a chap stick that contains sunscreen & smooth it over your lips everyday before you step into the sun.
Soft lip
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internet advertisingTo keep your lips soft & pink, mash rose leaves. Mix it with butter. Apply it on lips.
Dry lipIf your lips become dry than apply cow's milk ghee on lips regularly for 3-4 days, every morning & evening
Pink lipsMix fresh curd with mustard oil. Apply it on lips.
Lip lineApply cream of curd on lips before sleeping, if there are lines on your lips.
Chapstick naturalMix 48gms coconut oil, 24gms castor oil, 30gms white wax, 12gms olive oil. Wax should be hot. Fill them in a bottle. Apply it on lips every night. Lips will be soft always.
Red lip Mix saffron in butter, apply it on lips. Lips will become red
Pink lipMix one spoon cucumber juice, one spoon lemon juice & pinch turmeric. Apply it on lips.

Exfoliate your lip
Dry cells accumulate on your lips & the goop which settles at the corners of your lips can be quite gross. To get rid of this problem, exfoliate your lips once in 15 days. With a baby toothbrush & your toothpaste, gently rub your lips devoting about five seconds to the upper one & about two to the lower. Then rinse the foam off & rub in a little lip balm.
Cream lip
Before you smuggle into bed at night, rub in some lip cream. The rich creamy texture is sure to get your lips all soft & supple the next morning.
Chapped dry lipTo avoid chapping of lips use almond oil regularly for a month it will disappear!

Lip care productIf you are using a moisturizing product on the lips, it will probably increase the rate your lips lose skin cells. If you stop using the product, your lips will continue to lose skin cells at the accelerated rate for a few more days. This might make you think you can't quit using the lip product. Hang in there, you are not addicted. In a few days the cell loss rate will slow down, then the dry feeling and the flakiness should end.
Cheap lipstickIf you buy cheap lipstick, use 2 layers of lip liner.
Exercise lipHere is an exercise that will give your mouth a younger, firmer and fuller look altogether! The Lips get enlarged and the lines above the upper lip smoothen.
You can do it while sitting up or lying down.

The Exercises. Hold your lips together, without clenching your teeth.. Put the tip of your index finger in between your upper and lower lips.. Press lips together and visualize your finger as a stick that is being crushed.. Gradually, pull out your finger from between the lips, while seeing the stick.. Draw the energy point out and lengthen your imaginary stick until you feel the burn.. Pulse your finger up and down quickly for a count of 30.
NotePlump lip:Do the pout exercise twice daily to plump up thin lips.
Highly Recommended product for those wanting fuller, poutier, sexier lips without surgery!...
Lip piercingKids who want to be stylish get tattooed or pierced without there parents knowledge rarely think about medical implications. "Approximately 30% of those who get pierced experience an adverse reaction. The most common is infection".Piercing gun an instrument that uses pressure to embed the metallic piece in the skin. Because of their design and the materials used to manufacture them, these guns can't be completely sterilized. In addition in most cases the pieces of jewellery that are attached are not made with suitable materials, this results in infection.This type of piercing however can bring on more serious problems such as an adverse reaction to the material from which the piece of jewellery is made, damage to important nerves, warts, keloid scars (collagen excrescence), Herpes or even transmission of the Hepatitis C Virus. When piercing are done in the mouth there is a danger of breaking a tooth, choking, puncturing a nerve or even speech impairment."Piercing involve puncturing of the skin. If they are done without adequate hygiene or with defective techniques, they are clearly an assault on persons health.Some people had to literally tear out there skin to get rid of the tattoo he had on his lip.
SOURCE: .basicsofbeauty.com
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