Monday, May 4, 2009


Use of cosmetics gives you natural beauty but if your health is good than there is a natural glow on your face.
Diet fat lowA woman who works normally should eat 1200 to 2000 calories. If she eats more than this than that food is changed into fats.
ProteinsProteins develops the tissues of body , saves the system and repairs the damaged tissues. It constructs the enzymes and enzymes protects the physical activities against injection and manages the antibodies.

FatFats, builds the sex hormones of woman, makes the skin soft and oily and protects the life giving organs. This is a source of energy.
CarbohydratesCarbohydrates gives the primary energy to body.
GlucoseFood eaten changes into glucose first than only the body uses the glucose as energy.

DietingDieting is effective only when you do not drink caffeine, coffee, tea or soft drink, because caffeine increases the production of insulin which burns the sugar mixed in blood circulation. When the level of blood sugar falls than the hunger increases.
Drinking waterSufficient water is as much necessary as sufficient nutritious food. We can live without food for more time, but not without water. Thirst is the symptom that our body is deficient of water. Drink lots of water.
Blood cell increase redTo increase the Red Blood Cells in blood eating is beneficial, because it comprise of iron. It is true that spinach has vitamins and minerals but it is difficult to digest its iron thus iron deficiency will not be completed by eating spinach only.
Benefit of regular exerciseRegular exercise changes the fats of body in energy through metabolic activities. But among few people this activity is very less even if they are athletic. This means metabolic activities depends on person to person, that is why sometimes exercise does not show such miracles which we expect.
Regular exerciseTo reduce about 400 gram weight, hard exercise of six hours is necessary. So that calories received from food eaten earlier and physical fats in the form of 3500 calories.
Toning exerciseExercise is not a very effective method of reducing the weight but it is good for lungs, blood circulation and heart. It makes the muscles strong and flexible, which is called as toning. Because of this toning our body appears flexible.
Food calorieIt is said that during winters, we should eat more, because our body needs more energy to regulate the body temperature. But you should eat more only when you go outside to work. But if you sit at home only in blanket than eating more will increase your weight only.

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