NaturopathySince ancient period sand has been very effective in naturopathy, in removing the illness. It removes the inner obstacle of body & activates the blood.Mud therapyMud therapy opens the pores of skin & increases the blood circulation, till the upper layer of skin. It cures the inner obstacle & pain of body. It removes the toxic materials of body. In naturopathy illness like indigestion, skin disease, pain in knees, eye problem, head pain, chronic pain & metabolic disorder is removed through sand. In natural therapy treatment is done by applying:- * Stripe of mud on eyes.* Stripe of mud on stomach.* Stripe of mud on the spine bone.
HERBAL MUD BATH:* 2-3 foot pit is dogged near river or lake, & black oily sand is taken out. It is crushed & filtered. Than it is dried in sunlight. Before using it, soak it for 12 hours in water.
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TO PREPARE THE HERBAL MUD:Black sand, yellow ochre powder, orange shell powder, white sand powder, rose leaves powder & turmeric is mixed.Pour the herbal mud in clean container, mix cold water in it. Make a paste by shaking it with wooden spoon in such a manner so that it can be easily applied on the whole body.After soaking it in water for 12 hours, apply it on the whole body & sit in sun for 15- 60 minutes, according to the need.When the paste is dried, remove it with cold water by massaging. This way mud massage will also be done.
SOURCE: basicsofbeauty.com
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